In the fantastical worlds held within Sorcery: Contested Realm, powerful magic imbues every living thing and even the land itself. With power comes conflict, as those known as the Avatars fight for dominion. Tapping into the four elements — Earth, Fire, Water, and Air — these Avatars summon mythical minions, conjure ancient relics and cast a myriad of powerful spells to disrupt, confound, and ultimately destroy their opponent.
“The Four Elements” The Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG Beta Preconstructed Deck Box includes:
- Air Elemental Deck
- Earth Elemental Deck
- Fire Elemental Deck
- Water Elemental Deck
- Each preconstructed deck contains four 53-card ready-to-play decks.
- 3x Rubble Tokens
- 24x Mini Tokens
- A Quickstart Rulebook
Shop more Sorcery: Contested Realm TCG products here.
Sorcery: Contested Realm – Beta Edition is the second edition/printing of the first set from Sorcery: Contested Realm. The set follows the most successfully funded TCG (Alpha Edition) on Kickstarter to date (5th April, 2022) and features exquisite hand-painted artwork and focuses on tactical gameplay on a grid based format. Within the game of Sorcery, two players take the roles of Avatars, assemble their own decks, and then cast a variety of elemental spells, summon powerful minions, and shape the world around them from their Atlas to increase their dominance and ultimately banish their foe.
Find out more about the Sorcery: Contested Realm at
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